Visitors create personal brochures


Honestly – I would rather be in Hollywood at the Phocus Wright Conference than counting the minutes until it snows here in Abtenau. On the other hand it is also a new experience for me, following the tweets #phocus08 on Twitter. Martin, our visionary e-marketer from the Austrian National Tourist Office is keeping me up to date, as well as Jaime Horwitz, Kevin May and William Bakker (although he is not attending the conference, too) – and this gives me the feeling to take part at least little bit – call it second hand attendee 😉

Thanks for summarizing the innovations and presentations for the rest of us.
Just now I read about a new tool which was presented by Matthias Weber, PSFK Hamburg . David L. Sifry,  founder of Technorati, developed a customized travel guide which is called Offbeat Guides.
Users answer 5 questions (where to go, where you come from, name, travel dates) then they are given a travel book, one could call it a personalized travel brochure.

Content is provided from Wikitravel or eventful. Seems to be an effective way for DMO´s to provide information for different applications.


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